Thursday, December 18, 2014 - 9:00pm

The human eye is a favored target for laser surgery due to its accessibility via the optically transparent ocular tissue. Femtosecond lasers with confined tissue effects and minimized collateral tissue damage are primary candidates for high precision intraocular surgery. The precise tissue effects of femtoseconf lasers can further benefit the clinical outcome of ophthalmic surgical procedures when femtosecond lasers are combined with high resolution 3D optical imaging for accurate placements of the surgical incisions. In fact, image guided femtosecond laser technology has revolutionized high precision ophthalmic surgery during the last several years. This lecture will review the basic science of femtosecond laser-tissue interactions and will discuss requirements for potential commercial products. The history of the development of the first commercially available ophthalmic femtosecond laser will also be presented. Finally, clinical results and benefits to the patients and to the surgeons will be discussed.


Prof Tibor Juhasz




NS2 2201