University of California, Irvine

Blum Laboratory


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Research at the forefront of organic, organometallic, materials, catalysis, chemical imaging, microscopy, and mechanistic chemistry at the University of California, Irvine


Latest News:

April 17: Congratulations to Hannah Peacock for her imaging characterization of Suzuki coupling under aqueous–organic conditions, now in ChemRxiv!

April 8: We watch the solar eclipse and a SpaceX rocket launch in the same week, enjoying science together.

April 1: Joe Kaplan starts his Dissertation Fellowship. He will investigate and develop heterocyclization reactions. Congratulations, Joe!

Mar 29: Yiqing Zhang receives the ACS Green Chemistry Pharmaceutical Round Table Travel Award! The award comes with the prestigious opportunity to be one of only a few student presenters at the Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference. She will present her research on “Surfactant–Dependent Partitioning of Reagents in Sustainable Reaction Systems Characterized by Imaging.”Congratulations, Yiqing!

Mar 6: Congratulations to Yiqing Zhang for elucidating surfactant-dependent partitioning of organic reagents, now in Chemrxiv!

Jan 3: Hannah Peacock starts her Allergan Graduate Research Fellowship, thanks to the Allergan Foundation.

Dec 18: Congratulations to Dr. Erin Hanada, Sylvia Lou, and Patrick McShea for differentiating microenvironments of oxidative addition intermediates on zinc, now in Chem. Eur. J.!

Oct 25: Congratulations to Martin Stang and R. J. Mycka for harnessing Lewis acid selectivity and reversible haloboration for boron-based cyclization reactions, now published in JOC!

Sep 20: Congratulations to Hannah Peacock and Pía López, recipients of the Allergan Graduate Research Fellowship!

Sep 19: Congratulations to Joe Kaplan, recipient of a departmental Dissertation Fellowship!

Sep 6: Congratulations to Dr. Erin Hanada and Patrick McShea for discovering an activation/solubilization pathway of TMSCl to make organozinc reagents, now in Angewandte!

Sep 1: Congratulations to Joe Kaplan for development of iodination–group transfer to generate substituted alkenes, now published in JOC!

Aug 19: Joe Kaplan presents a poster on his borylation and iodination methodology development at the Overman Symposium. Go, Joe!

Aug 17: David Calderon presents a talk at the UCI Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium. Go, David!

Aug 15: Joe Kaplan presents a talk on his development of iodonation–group transfer reactions, at the ACS Meeting in San Francisco. Way to go, Joe!

Aug 15: Prof. Blum gives the ACS Cope Scholar Award Address at the ACS Meeting in San Francisco. Congrats, Prof. Blum!

Aug 7: Erin Hanada defends her PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Hanada!

July 24: The group enjoys an Activate to Captivate scientific-communication workshop by Bri McWhorter.

July 19: The group celebrates a year of great scientific discoveries with cake, go karts, minigolf, laser tag, and batting cages.

July 17: Alexis Ravenscroft is back—this time joining as a rotating summer student before the start of her PhD at UCI. Welcome to the group, Alexis!

July 5: Dr. Or Eivgi presents his research on revealing subtle polymer dynamics by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, at the International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis in Bergen, Norway, Go, Or!

July 4: Pía López presents her research discovering autofluorescence for polymerization monitoring at the International Symposium on Olefin Metathesis in Bergen, Norway, Go, Pía!

July 3: Welcome back, visiting Professor R. J. Mycka from the Community College of Allegheny County! He joins Team Heterocyclization.

June 26: Welcome new Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, David Calderon, joining us from Cal State University, San Bernadino!

June 18: Antonio Garcia IV, Erin Hanada, and Prof. Blum participate together in UCI’s 2023 Graduate Hooding Ceremony with friends, family, and colleagues. Congratulations Dr. Garcia and Soon-to-be-Dr. Hanada!

June 7: Congratulations Martin Stang, winner of the Chemistry Department Graduate Student Service Award, announced at the annual Lee Event and Dinner!

May 18: Congratulations to Pía López and Vy Pham on characterizing polymerization in real time using autofluorescence, now published in Angewandte. Congratulations!