Lieb’s most useful contribution to density functional theory? (bibtex)
by Kieron Burke
Lieb’s most useful contribution to density functional theory? Kieron Burke, Chapter in Book in honor of Elliott Lieb’s 90th birthday (2022).
Bibtex Entry:
	    Pub-num 	   = {217},
	    Title 		   = {Lieb’s most useful contribution to density functional theory?},
	    Booktitle 	   = {Book in honor of Elliott Lieb’s 90th birthday},
     	Author 		   = {Kieron Burke},
	    editor         = {Rupert L. Frank and Ari Laptev and Mathieu Lewin and & Robert Seiringer,},
	%%	Doi 		   = {},
     	Year 		   = {2022},
		Publisher	   = {EMS Press},
	%%	Url 		   = {},
	%%	Pages          = {},
	    arXiv		   = {arXiv:2202.05361}}
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