Using Machine Learning to Find New Density Functionals (bibtex)
by Bhupalee Kalita and Kieron Burke
Using Machine Learning to Find New Density Functionals Bhupalee Kalita and Kieron Burke, Article in Roadmap on Machine Learning in Electronic Structure 4, 56-59 (2022).
Bibtex Entry:
		Pub-num 	   = {214},
		Title 		   = {Using Machine Learning to Find New Density Functionals},
		Booktitle 	   = {Roadmap on Machine Learning in Electronic Structure},
		Author 		   = {Bhupalee Kalita and Kieron Burke},
		Doi 		   = {10.1088/2516-1075/ac572f},
		Year 		   = {2022},
		Month 		   = {August},
		Journal		   = {Electronic Structure},
		Volume 		   = {4},
		Number 		   = {2},
		Pages 		   = {56-59},
		Publisher 	   = {{IOP} Publishing},
		Url 		   = {},
		arXiv		   = {2112.05554}}
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