Chemistry 524 HTML Primer

Special characters Special chracters is written either with the code, or as &#ascii; where ascii is the ascii code for the character. Sometimes the ascii variant isn't usable, so use it only when needed. character ASCII tag " 34 &quot; # 35 &num; $ 36 &dollar; % 37 &percnt; & 38 &amp; ' 39 &apos; ( 40 &lpar; ) 41 &rpar; * 42 &ast; , 44 &comma; - 45 &hyphen; . 46 &period; : 58 &colon; ; 59 &semi; < 60 &lt; > 62 &gt; [ 91 &lsqb; \ 92 &bsol; ] 93 &rsqb; ^ 94 &circ; _ 95 &lowbar; ` 96 &grave; { 123 &lcub; | 124 &verbar; } 125 &rcub; ~ 126 &tilde; 161 &iexcl; 162 &cent; 163 &pound; 164 &curren; 165 &yen; | 166 &brvbar; 167 &sect; 168 &reg; 169 &copy; 192 &Agrave; 193 &Aacute; 194 &Acirc; 195 &Atilde; 196 &Auml; 197 &Aring; 198 &AElig; 199 &Ccedil; 200 &Egrave; 201 &Eacute; 202 &Ecirc; 203 &Euml; 204 &Igrave; 205 &Iacute; 206 &Icirc; 207 &Iuml; 209 &Ntilde; 210 &Ograve; 211 &Oacute; 212 &Ocirc; 213 &Otilde; 214 &Ouml; 216 &Oslash; 217 &Ugrave; 218 &Uacute; 219 &Ucirc; 220 &Uuml; 221 &Yacute; 223 &szlig; 224 &agrave; 225 &aacute; 226 &acirc; 227 &atilde; 228 &auml; 229 &aring; 230 &aelig; 231 &ccedil; 232 &egrave; 233 &eacute; 234 &ecirc; 235 &euml; 236 &igrave; 237 &iacute; 238 &icirc; 239 &iuml; 240 &eth; 241 &ntilde; 242 &ograve; 243 &oacute; 244 &ocirc; 245 &otilde; 246 &ouml; 248 &oslash; 249 &ugrave; 250 &uacute; 251 &ucirc; 252 &uuml; 253 &yacute; _ 254 &thorn; 255 &yuml; &nbsp; (no-break space, ascii 160) inserts a hard space.