Applications of Neutron Scattering in Structural Biology and Biophysics

A symposium to be held at the 2002 American Chemical Society National Meeting in Boston, Massachussetts, August 18-22, 2002

The following invited speakers have at least tentatively agreed to participate in the symposium:

Marie-Claire Bellissent-Funel, Saclay
Kent Blasie, Pennsylvania
Georg Bueldt, Juelich
Salvatore Cannistraro, Perugia
Sow-Hsin Chen, MIT
Wolfgang Doster, Munich
John Finney, University College London
Joerg Fitter, Jeulich
Susan Gregurick, UMBC
Teresa Head-Gordon, Berkeley
Mark Johnson, Institute Laue Langevin
Mikio Kataoka, Nara Institute
John Katsaras, Chalk River
Susan Krueger, NIST
Ruep Lechner, Hahn-Meitner-Institut
Mathias Loesche, Leipzig
Dieter Middendorf, Oxford
Nobuo Niimura, JAERI
Adam Pivovar, NIST
Daniela Russo, Berkeley
Benno Schoenborn, Los Alamos
Jeremy Smith, Heidelberg
Alexei Sokolov, Akron
Dmitri Svergun, EMBL Hamburg
Martha Teeter, Boston College
Peter Timmins, Institute Laue Langevin
Stephen White, Irvine

If you are an invited speaker and you have not yet submitted the abstract of your talk, or if you wish to participate in the symposium by giving a contributed talk and/or presenting a poster, please following the directions given here. The deadline for submitting abstracts is Friday, March 22, 2002.

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