UC Irvine

Lausanne DFT course

Materials for Kieron's DFT course in Lausanne (oct 2012):

List of files for the DFT course:

Lectures: (week 1)
Tuesday, Oct 9, 2.15-4.00: A.pdf - Introduction
Tuesday, Oct 9, 4.15-6.00: B.pdf - Basic DFT
Thursday, Oct 11, 2.15-4.00: C.pdf - Intermediate DFT
Thursday, Oct 11, 4.15-6.00: D.pdf - TDDFT

Week 2: Advanced topics (to be decided)

HHOhw.pdf - Half harmonic oscillator homework
kBCDhw.pdf - Homework for first week of the course

Helpful reading:
B12.pdf - Kieron's "Perspective on DFT" article
BW12.pdf - Kieron and Lucas' "DFT in a nutshell" article
ABCDFT.pdf - Kieron's "ABC of DFT" book