Application Deadline: 

Monday, June 3, 2024

We seek one candidate with interest in developing and teaching a biochemistry lab for biochemistry majors and other experiential learning courses and one candidate with interest in teaching large-enrollment biochemistry courses to a variety of student demographics (biochemistry majors, other CBS majors, and related majors from other colleges).

Current areas of research focus on improving learning outcomes for underserved STEM students, examining faculty/student discourse, and analyzing student engagement with quantitative modeling in biology

Successful candidates should hold a Ph.D. in biochemistry, biological sciences, or a related discipline at the time of appointment; have at least one semester of significant teaching experience as an instructor of record that defined clear expectations for students and achieved successful learning outcomes for students; and have a commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion for historically underrepresented groups and marginalized communities in teaching and learning.

For more information interested candidates can look here