Friday, July 26, 2013 - 4:00pm

All day symposium with a list of distinguished speakers.


Date: Friday, July 26, 2013

Time: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Location: Calit2 Auditorium

_Morning Speakers:_

David A. Conlon, Ph.D.
Senior Principal Scientist
Early Phase Chemical Development
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

Title: Overcoming Electronics with Strategy: Development of an Efficient Synthesis of a Novel Antiretroviral

Leah Cleary
UCI Dept. of Chemistry
2013 Harold W. Moore Award Recipient

Title: Progress Toward the Total Syntheses of the Welwitindolinone Alkaloids

Seth Herzon
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Yale University

Title: Target-Driven Total Synthesis

_Afternoon Speakers:_

Armen Zakarian
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Santa Barbara

Title: Total Synthesis of Tatanans A-C and Investigation of their GK Activating Properties

Neil Garg
Associate Professor & Vice Chair
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Title: Recent Studies in Alkaloid Total Synthesis

Javier Read de Alaniz
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC Santa Barbara

Title: New Advances in the Construction of C-N and C-O Bonds for Organic Synthesis

Larry Overman
Department of Chemistry

Title: A few Things Learned in 42 years of Research at UCI: Personal Favorites from Each Decade


Multiple speakers




Calit2 Auditorium