Using conscious community building to promote student success in lab courses

Abstract: From promoting diversity, to increasing student success, to just making class more fun, consciously creating a vibrant and supportive learning community can be a key pedagogical choice. I’ll use a year-long physical chemistry lab sequence as a case study in how a course can be structured to promote community. In this course, argumentation sessions (taken from the Argument Driven Inquiry framework) and a poster session promote student interactions and interdependence.

Teaching Students Authentic Problem Solving and Scientific Practices: Applications in Organic Chemistry Classes and Undergraduate Research Experiences

Abstract: A central challenge for chemistry instruction is teaching students approaches and skills for solving authentic problems. We have been investigating the continuum of approaches used by novice to expert students in two different areas of chemistry education: organic chemistry classroom instruction and undergraduate research experiences. Although quite different in the mode of instruction, both have the goal to teach students concepts, skills, and metacognitive approaches that enable productive approaches to solving authentic problems.


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