Events in physical chemistry.

Synthesis, Stability, Electronic and Catalytic Properties of Micellar Metal Nanoparticles: Size, Support and Oxidation State Effects

Synthesis, Stability, Electronic and Catalytic Properties of Micellar Metal Nanoparticles: Size, Support and Oxidation State Effects Beatriz Roldán Cuenya Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 The next generation of nanocatalysts requires detailed knowledge of the correlation between their structure, chemical composition, and reactivity. To study these effects, large quantities of homogeneous and size-selected nanoparticles are needed.

Water made simple

Water is the most ubiquitous liquid in our planet, yet its properties are far from ordinary. The simple structure of H2O disguises a wealth of crystalline phases, a very anomalous behavior of the liquid and possibly- the existence of two distinct liquid phases. In this presentation I will show that the anomalies and phase behavior of water can be understood in the context of other liquids that form tetrahedral structures: the periodic group 14 elements.


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