Events in inorganic chemistry.

Organometallic Strategies for Bioconjugation


Over the past several years, we and others have been engaged in the development of a toolbox of organometallic reagents that can transfer complex functional groups onto biomolecules. This talk will describe some historical perspectives, reagent design considerations and state of the art chemistry that was developed in our laboratory. I will also highlight several key emerging opportunities for this area of research.

Electric Field Effects on the Hydrogen Atom Bond Dissociation Free Energy of Manganese Imido Complexes

Local electric fields can interact with dipoles and net charges of reactants, products, and transition states to impart enhanced reactivity in enzymes, at surfaces, and have more recently been investigated at molecular systems. At molecular systems, the incorporation of charged cationic functionalities can generate equivalent internal electric fields that tune both pKa and E1/2.


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