Continuing Student Fellowships

  • Rowland Graduate Research Fellowship

    • The Rowland Endowed Chair and Fellowship Fund is a longstanding Department of Chemistry initiative which aligns Professor Rowland’s efforts to create a fellowship for students, with his friends and colleagues desire to honor his legacy. A three quarter award, the application window is late winter to early spring.

  • Chemical Education Fellowship

    • The Chemical Education Fellowship was created to provide an opportunity for chemistry graduate students to gain experience and skills relating to the mentoring of undergraduate students. Fellows interested in pedagogy will use this interest to guide undergraduate peer tutors in their path to becoming better educators.
  • Chemistry Graduate Dissertation Fellowship

    • The Chemistry Graduate Dissertation Fellowship is awarded to eligible students for their final quarter, to allow them to devote themselves to the completion of an outstanding doctoral dissertation. A one quarter award, the application window is summer.
  • Chemistry Safety Fellowship

    • The Safety Fellow contributes to the Department of Chemistry’s safety culture. Safety Fellows organize, recruit, orient and lead our team of graduate student safety representative (one from each lab), organize informational events, publish a Safety Newsletter, and work on other safety- related projects. The Safety Fellow reports to the Vice Chair for Safety.
  • Scientific Laboratory Management Graduate Fellowship for Chemistry Teaching Labs

    • The Scientific Laboratory Management Fellowship created by the UCI Chemistry Department provides an opportunity for graduate fellows to gain relevant lab management skills in up to 15 different chemistry laboratories throughout the academic year, ranging from general chemistry to inorganic chemistry labs.
  • Graduate Division Fellowships

    • Administered by the UC Irvine Graduate Division, and includes a variety of support options, such as merit-based, need-based, year-long, and quarterly awards. Application windows vary based on fellowship.

Facility Fellowships

  • X-ray Crystallography Facility Fellowship

    • The X-ray Crystallography Facility Fellowship facilitates the collection and analysis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data while providing an excellent training opportunity for graduate students to gain advanced levels of experience in solving small-molecule crystal structures. This is a yearlong fellowship.

  • Laser Spectroscopy Laboratories Fellowship

    • The Laser Spectroscopy Labs (LSL) Graduate Fellow will be directly involved with building the new Ultrafast Lab 2 within LSL, putting together and spearheading multiple nonlinear optical experiments and projects, including triple-color ultrafast electronic and vibrational spectroscopies, both in the time domain and in the spectral domain. This is a yearlong fellowship.

  • NMR Facility Fellowship

    • The purpose of the NMR Facility Fellowship is to facilitate the collection and analysis of NMR data while providing an excellent training opportunity for graduate students to gain advanced levels of experience in performing NMR experiments and analyzing the resulting data.

  • Mass Spectrometry Facility Fellowship

    • The Mass Spectrometry Facility Fellowship provides a training opportunity for the student fellow to learn in depth skills for acquisition and analysis of mass spectrometry data, as well as core skills for instrument maintenance. The emphasis of the fellowship is on small molecule analyses, including molecular formula validation, analyte identifications and quantitation by LC and GC-MS. 

Recruitment Fellowships

  • Graduate Division Fellowships

    • Administered by the UC Irvine Graduate Division. Graduate programs nominate their top newly admitted students for these additional funds to help increase yield. These fellowships include multi-year diversity fellowships as well as top-off awards to department financial offers.
  • Overman Fellowship

    • The Overman Fellowship was endowed by Professor Larry Overman to attract and support students with a passion for synthetic organic chemistry. It is a top-off award in addition to nominated admitted students' department financial offer.