Events in organic chemistry.

Making C–C Bonds at a Liberal Arts College

Abstract: The Cannon Lab at Occidental College is broadly interested in discovering new reactions that generate C–C bonds, with a special emphasis on catalytic and stereoselective processes. This seminar will describe our discoveries in photoredox-catalyzed anion oxidation for mild and atom-economical alkene functionalization, as well as our development of new auxiliaries for stereoselective enolate functionalization. The idiosyncrasies and challenges of conducting synthetic organic chemistry research with a group of undergraduates will also be discussed.

Dark Matter of the Human Genome

Abstract: Advanced methods in next-generation sequencing and proteogenomics have revealed thousands of previously invisible human protein-coding genes, increasing the known size of the human proteome by at least 10%. This previously unannotated proteomic “dark matter” includes small open reading frames (smORFs) encoding polypeptides of fewer than 100 amino acids, and alternative open reading frames (alt-ORFs) encoding proteins 100 amino acids or larger.

Strategies for Automated Glycan Synthesis

Abstract: Automated synthesis is crucial to the development of a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) chemistry culture accessible to diverse scientists. This talk will discuss strategies for automated synthesis—solid-phase and solution-phase as well as batch and continuous flow techniques— in the context of carbohydrate and glycopeptide synthesis with a focus on how constraints can drive creativity in chemistry and in life.

Twitter: @NPohl_Group

Metallacycle-Mediated Annulative Cross-Coupling: Reaction Development and Applications in Stereoselective Synthesis

Abstract: A brief introduction to metallacycle-mediated cross-coupling will be followed by a discussion focused on the use of alkenes and alkynes in these processes.  Building on basic observations regarding reactivity and selectivity, a collection of complex convergent annulation reactions will be described.

Polymer Chemistry Inspired Approaches to Polysaccharides and Glycomimetics for Material and Biological Discoveries

Abstract: Polysaccharides are a major class of biomacromolecules that play important roles in both biology and material sciences. A long challenge for the characterization and utilization of polysaccharides is the heterogeneity of highly diverse natural polysaccharides. The efforts for chemically synthesizing complex polysaccharides have undergone rapid development in the past decade, but methods with scalability, sequence control, and high-throughput remain elusive.


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