Events in organic chemistry.

Organic Syntheses Lecture: Synthesis Through C–C Bond Scission

Abstract: The topic of this talk is the radical chemistry based on C–C bond scission. The presentation will begin with another area of research endeavors in my group—phosphorus organocatalysis. It then will present how our need to create chiral phosphines, CarvoPhos, of particular configuration inspired our invention of a series of new reactions based on C–C bond cleavage. To be specific, we have implemented one-pot processes to ozonize alkenes into α-methoxyhydroperoxides, for subsequent Fe(II)-mediated reductive fragmentations that yield alkyl radical intermediates.

Post-translational modification proteomics in 4D

Spatial organization and temporal dynamics are essential properties of cellular signaling. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) to proteins relay biological signals by exerting precise spatiotemporal control over protein function, localization, and lifetime. A systems-level experimental map of post-translationally modified proteins across subcellular space and time would transform our understanding of how PTMs orchestrate complex cellular functions in response to biological stimuli. However, such a map is inaccessible with current technologies.

Strain-Release Pentafluorosulfanylation: Strange Molecules Doing Stranger Things

This presentation details recent progress in our laboratory toward the synthesis and evaluation of historically underemployed fluorinated functional groups that have been made more accessible using the TCICA/KF approach to oxidative fluorination. A major theme will be our recent merging of SF5 radical chemistry with strain-release functionalization of [1.1.1]propellane and [1.1.0]bicyclobutanes. Structural consequences of making these SF5-based "hybrid isosteres" and preliminary mechanistic insight will be discussed.

Organic Reactions Lecture: Radical isomerization tools outside the confines of thermodynamics

Abstract: Selective isomerization reactions are valuable tools for the positional and spatial interconversion of functional groups. Catalytic isomerizations are frequently governed by thermodynamic control, enabling predictable access to product distributions defined by the stability of starting and product isomers, but limiting opportunities for tunable control.

Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry to Direct Neuroreceptors: Signaling and Proteomic Investigations

Dopamine and serotonin receptors are central to brain function, yet are extremely challenging to study, especially in precise regions and narrow timescales. Our goal is to create new chemical tools to study dopamine and serotonin GPCRs in living mammals, without the need for genetic manipulation.

Synthetic Methodologies by which to Transform Carbohydrates or Nucleic Acids into Sustainable, Next-generation, Degradable/Digestible Functional Polymer Materials

A primary interest in the Wooley laboratory is the production of functional polymers from renewable sources that are capable of reverting to those natural products once their purpose has been served. A long-standing focus has been the development of synthetic methodologies that transform sugars, nucleic acids, amino acids and other natural products into polymer materials. This approach allows for the production of functional polymers from renewable sources that are capable of reverting to those natural products once their purpose has been served.


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